Tag Archive for: emergency preparedness

Winter Readiness and Emergency Preparedness: A ProAction Guide for El Paso Residents

In El Paso, where winter may not bring heavy snowfall but certainly introduces a drop in temperature and unique seasonal challenges, being prepared takes a distinct shape. At ProAction Emergency Services Institute, we’re committed to equipping our community with the knowledge and skills necessary for safety and readiness. With our specialized courses in CPR, first aid, Stop the Bleed, and EMT training, we’re here to ensure that El Pasoans are prepared for any emergency this winter.

Preparing for Winter in El Paso: Unique Needs for a Unique Climate El Paso’s winter climate, characterized by its cooler temperatures and occasional cold snaps, requires a specific approach to preparedness. While we might not face blizzards, the colder months can still bring health risks and emergencies that demand immediate and knowledgeable response.

The ProAction Advantage: Tailored Training for Winter Emergencies Our range of courses is designed to address the types of emergencies that might arise during the El Paso winter. Here’s how ProAction prepares you for the season:

  • CPR and First Aid Training: Essential skills that can save lives in the event of winter-related health emergencies, such as heart problems exacerbated by colder temperatures.
  • Stop the Bleed: A crucial course that empowers individuals to provide immediate bleeding control, which is vital in any accident or injury scenario, including those that might occur during winter activities.
  • EMT Courses: For those looking to take their emergency preparedness to the next level, our EMT courses offer comprehensive training on responding to a wide range of medical emergencies.

Winter Safety Tips for El Paso Residents:

  1. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on local weather forecasts to prepare for any sudden temperature changes.
  2. Emergency Preparedness Kits: Equip your home and car with emergency kits that include water, non-perishable food, blankets, and first-aid supplies.
  3. Protect Against the Cold: Dress in layers and protect yourself from the chill, especially during early mornings and late evenings.
  4. Vehicle Readiness: Ensure your car is serviced and ready for winter, with a special focus on battery checks and tire inspection.
  5. Home Heating Safety: Use heating devices wisely to prevent fire hazards and ensure that your home is warm and safe.

Engaging with the El Paso Community ProAction is more than a training institute; we are an integral part of the El Paso community, dedicated to enhancing safety and preparedness. We encourage residents to participate in our courses, not just for their own safety, but for the well-being of their families, friends, and neighbors.

As we embrace the winter season in El Paso, let’s take proactive steps towards safety and preparedness. With ProAction Emergency Services Institute by your side, you have access to top-tier training and resources designed to empower you and your loved ones. Together, we can face the winter months with confidence, knowing we’re prepared to handle any emergency that comes our way.

Stay Warm, Stay Safe,

The ProAction EMS Team

ProAction EMS: The Trusted EMS Provider for the El Paso Chihuahuas

In the bustling world of professional sports, ensuring the safety and well-being of athletes and spectators alike is of paramount importance. When it comes to the El Paso Chihuahuas, the official Triple-A affiliate of the San Diego Padres, one name stands out as the trusted provider of emergency medical services (EMS): ProAction EMS.

ProAction Emergency Services Institute has built a solid reputation as a leading provider of comprehensive EMS services, prioritizing excellence, professionalism, and reliability. Our partnership with the El Paso Chihuahuas is a testament to our commitment to ensuring the safety and health of players, coaching staff, and fans attending the games.

ProAction EMS boasts a highly skilled and experienced team of certified emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics who are adept at handling a wide range of medical emergencies. Their personnel undergo rigorous training and are equipped with the latest medical technologies and equipment to provide prompt and efficient care during games and events.

ProAction EMS maintains a strong presence at Southwest University Park, the home stadium of the El Paso Chihuahuas. With strategically located medical stations and personnel, our response time is swift, ensuring that any medical incidents are addressed promptly and efficiently. ProAction EMS professionals are trained to handle a diverse range of situations, from minor injuries to critical medical emergencies.

Beyond our role as the official EMS provider, ProAction EMS actively engages with the El Paso community. We conduct CPR and first aid training sessions, provide health and safety education, and participate in local initiatives to promote wellness and emergency preparedness.

As the official EMS provider of the El Paso Chihuahuas, ProAction Event Medical Services plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of players, staff, and fans. With our commitment to excellence, experienced team, rapid response capabilities, and community engagement, ProAction EMS is an indispensable partner in the success of the Chihuahuas and the safety of everyone involved.


ProAction EMS Launches “Stop the Bleed” Training Campaign at El Paso High Schools

In a commendable effort to empower students and enhance community safety, ProAction EMS has initiated a “Stop the Bleed” training campaign at El Paso high schools. This educational campaign aims to equip students with life-saving skills and knowledge to respond effectively in emergency situations involving severe bleeding. This blog post explores the significance of this campaign, the importance of “Stop the Bleed” training and its positive impact on the safety and well-being of the El Paso community.

  • Severe bleeding is a leading cause of preventable death in emergency situations. “Stop the Bleed” training is designed to educate individuals on how to control life-threatening bleeding effectively until professional medical help arrives. By teaching students these vital skills, ProAction EMS empowers them to become immediate responders in emergency scenarios, potentially saving lives and minimizing harm.
  • As a prominent emergency medical services provider, ProAction EMS understands the importance of proactive measures in ensuring community safety. By initiating the “Stop the Bleed” training campaign, they demonstrate their commitment to equipping the community, starting with high school students, with the necessary skills to respond effectively during emergencies.
  • High schools are often bustling with students, making them ideal locations to educate and empower young individuals. By introducing “Stop the Bleed” training in El Paso high schools, ProAction EMS provides students with the knowledge and confidence to take immediate action in situations where lives are at stake. These skills extend beyond the school environment, benefiting the wider community in the event of emergencies.
  • ProAction EMS’s “Stop the Bleed” campaign involves collaboration between emergency medical professionals, school administrators, and educators. Through these collaborative efforts, comprehensive training programs can be developed and implemented effectively. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that students receive high-quality instruction and are prepared to respond calmly and efficiently during emergencies.
  • The introduction of “Stop the Bleed” training in El Paso high schools creates a culture of safety, preparedness, and community resilience. By equipping students with life-saving skills, ProAction EMS not only empowers them individually but also instills a sense of responsibility and readiness within the broader community. These trained students become advocates for emergency preparedness, inspiring others to seek similar training and promoting a safer environment for all.

ProAction EMS’s “Stop the Bleed” training campaign at El Paso high schools serves as a shining example of their commitment to community safety and proactive emergency preparedness. By educating students on life-saving techniques, they equip the next generation with the skills to respond effectively during emergencies involving severe bleeding. Through this initiative, ProAction EMS fosters a culture of safety, resilience, and preparedness within the El Paso community. Their efforts set an inspiring precedent for other communities to prioritize emergency response training, ultimately saving lives and making our society safer as a whole.

How to “Stop the Bleed”

Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action. Bleeding control training is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, andStop the Bleed Tourniquet application empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death from trauma. The more El Paso residents who know how to apply bleeding control techniques, the greater the chances of surviving.

No matter how fast the first responders arrive, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, therefore it is important to quickly stop the blood loss. Those nearest to someone with life-threatening injuries are best positioned to provide first care. You can help save a life by knowing how to stop bleeding if someone, including yourself, is injured.

Take a class today! Many organizations in El Paso, Texas, including ProAction Emergency Services Institute, offer free and low-cost stop the bleed training. You can learn more by calling 915-532-2771.

Learn the Steps of Bleeding Control

Step 1: Stop the bleeding. Now! Expose the wound. Tear clothing away. Immediately apply firm, direct pressure to the wound using gauze, clean cloth, an elbow, hand, or knee — whatever it takes to slow or stop the hemorrhage. If the pressure does not stop the bleeding and the dressing becomes soaked with blood, you will need to apply a tourniquet.

Step 2: Apply the Tourniquet. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, place a tourniquet at least 2-3 inches from the wound. The tourniquet may be applied and secured over the clothing.

Step 3: Adjust the tourniquet. Be sure the tourniquet is at least 2-3 inches from the wound. The tourniquet should be placed between the wound and the heart. Do not apply the tourniquet over a joint, such as an elbow, knee, or ankle.

Step 4: Manually tighten the tourniquet. Clip the sides of the tourniquet together using the buckle and pull on the end strap. Tighten as much as you can.

Step 5: Use the windlass rod to further tighten the tourniquet. Twist the windlass rod in one direction to increase the pressure to stop the bleeding.

Step 6: Secure the windlass rod. Using the windlass clip, secure the rod so that it does not unwind. If there is a velcro strap, also use that to secure the windlass.

Step 7: Make a note of the time. Note the time that the tourniquet was applied. This is important because leaving a tourniquet on too long can cause damage to the tissue. A time-stamp will help caregivers know which patients to treat first.

Do you represent a school or non-profit looking for STOP THE BLEED training? Apply for a free bleeding control course HERE.

More information: view Stop the Bleed Booklet